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H O P 'N' B O P

Come along with your little one and enjoy the introduction to the world of dance and music. A fun filled action packed class. Your little dancer will learn their first steps of co-ordination, motor skills, interaction as well as having lots of fun with their favourite props and nursery rhymes.

T i n y T o t s E a r l y L e a r n i n g

Introducing young performers to the world of dance. Students will learn the basic skills including timing,
rhythm, co-ordination and flexibility. 

B a l l e t

An historic art form that has focused on the movement of the human body. NTS classical lessons provide essential basic learning right the way through to IDTA teaching qualifications. Students will learn how to gracefully move and shape their body using correct technique and language. Ballet is a core subject and the foundation of all dance genres. 

T a p

An energetic dance form characterised by the use of metal taps and the shoe to create rhythmic patterns. Tap class helps students with timing and counting. Tapping is a skillful practice that once accomplished is highly exciting and a very creative form of dance

T h e a t r e C r a f t 

An exciting musical theatre class created to develop a well rounded performer and a versatile show dancer. Students look at Musical Theatre, Pantomime, Cabaret and commercial dance. Theatre Craft is a performance based syllabus.

M o d e r n J a z z

A fun and varying class. Learn to dance to a broad range of rhythms and musical styles developing strength and flexibility. Modern classes teach students to use emotion when performing.

M u s i c a l T h e a t r e

combines acting, singing and dancing ! With focus on different styles and genres it gives students confidence across the board.

F r e e s t y l e 

This lesson combines runs, kicks, leaps and spins along with many other diverse steps and movements. Learn to use your arms and hands and use freedom of expression to enhance your dancing style.

A c r o b a t i c s / G y m n a s t i c s

Contortion and tumbling skills. Begin with the primary focus; flexibility, strength and control. Work your way from novice to expert contortionist working solo and as a team.

S t r e e t & B r e a k D a n c e

is principally an urban form or dance, combining many urban and commercial pop styles. Street dance is very modern and follows the current dance styles

T u m b l e 

Ideal for those wanting to improve their tumble gymnastics skills. Having access to a tumble track, spring boards and crash mats ensures that our students are taught the correct techniques of tumbling in a safe environment.

T u r n s & L e a p s 

A popular class focusing on the technique of turns and leaps. Studying a variety of ways to develop the dancers artistic approach. This helps to enhance performance skills within routines.


An expressive form of dance incorporating classical elements as well as modern, jazz and lyrical. Discover the flow and fluidity of movement whilst using your creativity.

P r i v a t e l e s​ s o n s

Available on request for the budding dancers who wish to compete in festivals with solos up and down the country.

Exams in:

Modern Jazz
Musical Theatre.

N o u v e a u Y o u t h P r o g r a m m e

Nouveau Youth programme is for dancers and performers who wish to pursue a career in the performing arts. Performing at regular events and working with outside choreographers and teachers. This class is suitable for ages 12+ and is by invitation.


Coleshill Leisure Centre

Packington Ln



B46 3JE

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Nouveau Theatre School | Copyright: Charlotte Stockton 2021

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